1 |
Name | Admin & Coordination Wing |
Designation | Additional Secretary |
Office | Admin & Coordination Wing |
E-mail | |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 02-9576015 |
Intercom | 672 |
Room Number | 1603 |
2 |
Name | Md. Nazrul Islam |
Designation | Joint Secretary |
Office | Admin-1 Branch |
E-mail | nislam6748@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 02-223356024 |
Intercom | 165 |
Room Number | 1602 |
Mobile | 01558744092 |
3 |
Name | Shajia Afroz |
Designation | Senior Assistant Secretary |
Office | Admin-1 |
E-mail | admin-1@finance.gov.bd |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 55101357 |
Intercom | 906 |
Room Number | 1721 |
4 |
Name | Mohammad Asphakul Numan |
Designation | Deputy Secretary |
Office | Admin-2 Section |
E-mail | asphakulnuman@yahoo.com |
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Phone (Office) | 02-9540181 |
Intercom | 613 |
Mobile | 01718558877 |
5 |
Name | Dr. Mohammad Jashim Uddin |
Designation | Deputy Secretary |
Office | Admin-3 |
E-mail | jashim@finance.gov.bd |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 02-223356042 |
Intercom | 170 |
Room Number | 1607 |
Mobile | 01814854609 |
6 |
Name | Mohammed Iqbal Hossain |
Designation | Deputy Secretary |
Office | Admin-4 |
E-mail | hossainmohammed25@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 02-9585046 |
Intercom | 646 |
Room Number | 1616 |
Mobile | 01716192749 |
7 |
Name | Admin-5 |
Designation | Senior Assistant Secretary |
Office | Admin-5 Section |
E-mail | |
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Phone (Office) | 02-9573226 |
Intercom | 678 |
Room Number | 1718 |
8 |
Name | Syed Rashedul Hossen |
Designation | Joint Secretary |
Office | Admin-2 Branch |
E-mail | rashedul_hossen@yahoo.com |
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9 |
Name | Md. Ruhul Amin Mollick |
Designation | Senior Assistant Secretary |
Office | Admin-6 |
E-mail | ruhulmollick1966@gmail.com |
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Phone (Office) | 02-9512596 |
Intercom | 400 |
Room Number | 1609 |
Mobile | 01552423763 |
10 |
Name | Md Humayun Kabir |
Designation | Deputy Secretary |
Office | Training Section |
E-mail | humayun@finance.gov.bd |
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11 |
Name | Samim Hossain |
Designation | Accounts Officer |
Office | Account Cell |
E-mail | shamimbd44429@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 02-29545606 |
Intercom | 676 |
Room Number | 618 |
Mobile | 01786279155 |
12 |
Name | Tarun Kumar Sarker |
Designation | Accounts Officer |
Office | Accounts Cell |
E-mail | tksarker6@gmail.com |
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Room Number | 619 |
Mobile | 01671603587 |
13 |
Name | Md. Nazrul Islam |
Designation | Joint Secretary (Additional Charge) |
Office | Admin-3 Branch (Budget & Planning) |
E-mail | nislam6748@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 02-9514090 |
Intercom | 671 |
Room Number | 1601 |
Mobile | 01558744092 |
14 |
.jpg) |
Name | Md. Mominur Rahman |
Designation | Deputy Secretary |
Office | Budget Planning-1 |
E-mail | mominpm1@finance.gov.bd |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 02-9573654 |
Intercom | 674 |
Room Number | 1608 |
Mobile | 01712701062 |
15 |
Name | Md. Ferdaus Ali |
Designation | Assistant Secretary |
Office | কর্মসম্পাদন শাখা |
E-mail | ferdausali@yahoo.com |
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Phone (Office) | 0255101268 |
Room Number | 1722 |
Mobile | 01552467840 |
16 |
.png) |
Name | Md. Abdus Salam Shah |
Designation | Senior System Analyst |
Office | ICT Branch |
E-mail | sshah@finance.gov.bd |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 02-223356171 |
Intercom | 459 |
Room Number | 1619 |
Mobile | 01712037953 |
17 |
Name | Shehran Islam |
Designation | Assistant Programmer |
Office | ICT Branch |
E-mail | shehrani@finance.gov.bd |
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Room Number | 1619 |
Mobile | 01793666889 |
18 |
Name | Zia Uddin Kamal Rakin |
Designation | Assistant Programmer |
Office | ICT Branch |
E-mail | ziauddin6524@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 02-223356171 |
Intercom | 459 |
Room Number | 1619 |
Mobile | 01869198789 |
19 |
Name | Romjan Ali |
Designation | Assistant Programmer |
Office | ICT Branch |
E-mail | romjan@finance.gov.bd |
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20 |
Name | Dr. A.K.M. Atiqul Haque |
Designation | Joint Secretary |
Office | Admin-4 Branch (Loan) |
E-mail | atiqulh@finance.gov.bd |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 02-47124415 |
Intercom | 188 |
Room Number | 503 |
Mobile | 01711173233 |
21 |
Name | Mohammad Sadequr Rahman [Additional Charge] |
Designation | Joint Secretary |
Office | House Building Loan Branch |
E-mail | sadequrr@finance.gov.bd |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 223357242 |
Intercom | 547 |
Room Number | 302 |
Mobile | 01712288181 |
22 |
.jpg) |
Name | Md. Shahadat Hossain Masud |
Designation | Deputy Secretary |
Office | House Building Loan-1 Section |
E-mail | unimasud@yahoo.com |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 02-9546120 |
Intercom | 185 |
Room Number | 517 |
Mobile | 01670959125 |
23 |
Name | Md. Nashim Ahamed |
Designation | Senior Assistant Secretary |
Office | House Building Loan Cell-2 |
E-mail | |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 02-55100821 |
Intercom | 186 |
Room Number | 524 |
Mobile | 01717571130 |
24 |
Name | Al-Imran Ruhul Islam |
Designation | Senior Assistant Secretary |
Office | House Building Loan Cell-3 |
E-mail | alimranbd@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | +880255100820 |
Intercom | 185 |
Room Number | 528 |
Mobile | 01723440299 |
25 |
Name | Md. Atiar Rahman |
Designation | Assistant Secretary |
Office | House Building Loan Cell-4 |
E-mail | atiar4u@gmail.com |
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Room Number | 523 |
Mobile | 01717309259 |
26 |
Name | Attached to National Pension Authority |
Designation | Joint Secretary |
Office | Attached to National Pension Authority |
E-mail | |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | +8802226663290 |
27 |
Name | জাতীয় পেনশন কর্তৃপক্ষে সংযুক্ত |
Designation | Deputy Secretary |
Office | Attached to National Pension Authority |
E-mail | |
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28 |
Name | Attached to National Pension Authority
Designation | Senior Assistant Secretary |
Office | Attached to National Pension Authority |
E-mail | |
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29 |
Name | Attached to National Pension Authority |
Designation | Senior Assistant Secretary |
Office | Attached to National Pension Authority |
E-mail | |
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30 |
Name | Dr. Chowdhury Zia Uddin Hayat |
Designation | Joint Secretary |
Office | Attached to IPF |
E-mail | |
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31 |
Name | Mohammad Abul Hashem |
Designation | Joint Secretary |
Office | Attached to IPF |
E-mail | mhashem@finance.gov.bd |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 02-8391765 |
Mobile | 01716223442 |
32 |
Name | Md. Akram Ali |
Designation | Deputy Secretary |
Office | Attached to IPF |
E-mail | akramswapon@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 02-8392029 |
Mobile | 01722-212482 |
33 |
Name | Attached to IPF |
Designation | Deputy Secretary |
Office | Attached to IPF |
E-mail | |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 02-58310226 |
34 |
Name | Receive & Dispatch Unit (Attachment) |
Designation | Assistant Secretary |
Office | Receive & Dispatch Unit (Attachment) |
E-mail | |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 9512112 |
Room Number | 612 |
35 |
Name | জনাব মোঃ মাহবুব-উল-আশরাফ |
Designation | Personal Officer |
Office | Admin & Coordination |
E-mail | |
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36 |
Name | Md. Muslim Uddin |
Designation | Personal Officer |
Office | Admin Branch |
E-mail | mu928037@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 223356024 |
Intercom | 496 |
Mobile | 01790660727 |
37 |
Name | Jagadish Chakma |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin-1 |
E-mail | jagadishchakma74@gmail.com |
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38 |
Name | Md. Basedur Rahman Bhuiyan |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin-4, Receive & delivery branch |
E-mail | |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 452 |
Mobile | 01715484589 |
39 |
Name | Md. Mosarraf Hussain |
Designation | Personal Officer (Protocol Officer) |
Office | Admin-6 |
E-mail | mosarrafh2015@gmail.com |
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40 |
Name | Rehana Akhter |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Account Section |
E-mail | rehanaa624@gmail.com |
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41 |
Name | Md. Liakat Ali Sk |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Account Section |
E-mail | liakotas68@gmail.com |
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42 |
Name | Mohammed Ali Ershad |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin-3 |
E-mail | mdaliershad78@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 450 |
Mobile | 01914282717 |
43 |
Name | মোঃ নূরুজ্জামাল |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin-2 |
E-mail | apurba24709@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 470 |
Mobile | 01923836837 |
44 |
Name | Md. Shipon Shiekh |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin-2 |
E-mail | sheikhshipon4546@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 470 |
Mobile | 01916004546 |
45 |
Name | S.M. Tazuddin |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin-5 Section |
E-mail | smtazuddin1981@gmail.com |
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46 |
Name | Md.Shaha Alam |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin-4 |
E-mail | shahafinance79@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 452 |
Mobile | 01672441178 |
47 |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
E-mail | tipumof85@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 454 |
Mobile | 01516175991 |
48 |
Name | Liton Kumar Ghoes |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin-6 |
E-mail | litonghoes@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 888 |
Mobile | 01718511570 |
49 |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin-6 |
E-mail | almamunmof@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 444 |
Mobile | 01720127104 |
50 |
Name | Mohammad Alamgir Hossain |
Designation | Administrative Office (Protocol Officer Incharge)
Office | Admin-6 |
E-mail | malamgirh1979@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | +88-02-88335584 |
Intercom | 461 |
Mobile | 01731160093 |
51 |
Name | Md. Mainul Islam |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | House Building Loan Branch -02 |
E-mail | mis20051991@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Phone (Office) | 9546121 |
Mobile | 01929034050 |
52 |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Training Section |
E-mail | arafat.com.finance@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 468 |
Mobile | 01515275816 |
53 |
Name | Shikha Rani Das |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Attached to Administration-4 Section |
E-mail | shikhadas47@gmail.com |
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54 |
Name | Mohammad Samim Hossan |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin-4 |
E-mail | msamimh88@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 453 |
Mobile | 01721975490 |
55 |
Name | Ramim Ahmed |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | House Building Loan Cell-04 |
E-mail | aramim952@gmail.com |
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56 |
Name | Md. Safiq Patwary |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin-6 Branch |
E-mail | shafiq.pat88@gmail.com |
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57 |
Name | Md. Mizanur Rahman |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin-3 (Attach) |
E-mail | sujon221988@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 450 |
Mobile | 01710688975 |
58 |
Name | Md. Taufiqul Islam |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin-3 |
E-mail | taufiqulislam16@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 450 |
Mobile | 01962661729 |
59 |
Designation | Personal Officer |
Office | Admin-6 |
E-mail | younusfinanceali@gmail.com |
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60 |
Name | Zia Uddin Bablu |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin-4 |
E-mail | ziauddinbablu029@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 453 |
Mobile | 01720324775 |
61 |
Name | Abdur Razzak |
Designation | Administrative officer |
Office | Admin-4 |
E-mail | 164abdurrazzak.du@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 452 |
Mobile | 01714983918 |
62 |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin-6 |
E-mail | buluawlad@gmail.com |
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63 |
Name | Kurban Ali |
Designation | Personal Officer |
Office | Admin-4 (Attachment) |
E-mail | Kurbanali065@gmail.com |
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64 |
Name | Md. Kamrul Hasan |
Designation | Personal Officer |
Office | Budget & Planning-2 Branch |
E-mail | farid.kamrul.hasan@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 454 |
Mobile | ০১৭৭৭৬৬৪১৬৭ |
65 |
Name | Md. Bilash Miah |
Designation | Personal Officer |
Office | Admin-2 Section |
E-mail | mdbilashmiah@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 470 |
Mobile | ০১৭১৮-০২ ২৭ ২২ |
66 |
Name | Mohammad Matiur Rahman |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Receive & DispatchUnit, Finance Division,
Ministry of Finance,
Secretrariate, Dhaka. |
E-mail | matiurmd0@gmail.com |
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67 |
Name | Rokon-Uz-Zaman |
Designation | Personal Officer (Protocol Officer) |
Office | Admin-6 |
E-mail | |
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68 |
Name | Asma Akter Mukta |
Designation | Personal Officer |
Office | Admin Section-4 |
E-mail | asmaaktermukta93@gmail.com |
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69 |
Name | F M Yousuf |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Admin Section-3 (Attached) |
E-mail | illusionahmed@gmail.com |
Download Vcard
Intercom | 450 |
Mobile | 01753637417 |
70 |
Name | Naema Akter |
Designation | Administrative Officer |
Office | Budget & Planning (Attached) |
E-mail | naemaakter33@gmail.com |
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